Marathon Running Preparations For Women Must Pay Attention To
Maraton preparation for women (doc. Fitsum Admasu/Unsplash).

YOGYAKARTA - The marathon run should not only be enlivened by the Adams, but women can also participate and become healthier. However, when exploring marathon competitions, the Eves should not just register themselves, must observe preparations before the competition and practice. So what are the preparations for the marathon for women?

No less meaningful in training, women must know their physical abilities as well as the difference in self-capacity between women and men. So, when practicing you can't compare with men. This is similar to what Ellianah Setiady, a member of the Senayan Runners community and the Women Cycling Club said.

"Women are usually much weaker physically than men. If they practice regularly, it is possible to beat many men," he said in the Jakarta area.

"However, overall men are indeed stronger, plus women have a menstrual cycle. So, in the days leading up to menstruation, there can be a slight problem, such as swelling or heartburn that affects training, unlike men," he added.

Ellianah said that in practicing women, it is mandatory to do so before the competition, which is adjusted to the selection distance. Prospective marathon running participants are also required to train according to their training calendar.

"The training depends on the marathon competition chosen. If 21.1 km (half marathon), there is a preparation training calendar ahead of the competition. In a row with a distance of 21 km, we are required to practice running for a week to be accumulated 30 km," he added.

In his statement, Ellianah narrated the exercise can be divided simply. The first day prospective participants can run for 5 km, 2 days after that 7 km, the next days 5 km. Then, prepare one day like Saturday or Sunday which may run can reach 15 km.

The pattern of running is generally tried to explore the half marathon running competition and the preparation of the training is enough to try for two months.

"However, keep in mind that previous participants were obliged to have a foundation, not directly on that day they ran 21 km. Many people thought they had run 10 km, then wanted to immediately try to run 21 km and finally run," he explained.

Therefore, running training does depend on the purpose of a person participating in a competition, some make a distance, some to challenge themselves with speed.

For women, during training but at the same time as menstruation period, the distance is not reduced. However, the speed alone is decreasing. Elliana herself does not feel a period of menstruation as a barrier, but only the speed is reduced and is smart to see the condition of the body.

"If people who have well trained generally run have become obedient. Like I've 30 km every week, so 21 km have been tried at any time," he said.

Tips from the Doctor

Launching ANTARA, a specialist specialist in sports medicine at the Indonesian Badminton Association (PBSI) National Training Center, dr. Grace Joselini Corlesa, MMRS, Sp.KO, provides a number of tips and preparations for people who will start the marathon so that they are physically and mentally ready.

The doctor at the Student Sports Training Center (PPOP) who also practices at the Sport Medicine Injury Recovery Center of Pondok Indah Hospital, Bintaro Jaya, through a written statement, said one of the tips, namely conducting a medical examination, especially heart health conditions.

"Despite how long you've been exercising, there are several signs of warning and certain risk factors that must be evaluated before starting a new training program, especially the intensive marathon training," he said.

Grace advised prospective running participants to immediately consult a doctor if before practicing they had symptoms of chest pain, shortness of breath, or excessive fatigue during exercise and had high blood pressure.

You also have to read 'Jalar Maraton Tips for Beginners' to make it even better in preparation.

So after knowing the preparations for a marathon for women, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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