JAKARTA - NOAH became the first performer in the Circ Concerto event held by New Live Entertainment. Ariel cs performed twice at the JIEXPO Convention Center & Theater, Jakarta on Saturday, October 7.

In accordance with the concept of a performance that combines music with a circus attraction, Ariel as a vocalist shows some of the unusual attractions performed on stage.

When the song Above Normal as the opening act was played, Ariel appeared on stage in an unusual way. His body depends on the position of his head below.

"I'm still shaking. According to the beginning of our song, Above Normal. I can't imagine my life will be like this," Ariel said to laughter from the audience.

Then, NOAH continued his appearance by performing other songs, such as My Women and Ku Say Indah.

While performing the song Menghapus Jejamu, NOAH appeared with Bunga Citra Lestari (BCL), who appeared on stage from a box tightly closed.

The NOAH show at that time was indeed different from what is commonly seen. Like a circus, many people perform on stage while doing attractions.

Not only that, NOAH's appearance this time was also accompanied by an orchestra. They present a different arrangement that has been prepared beforehand.

In this Circ Concerto concert, NOAH performed 15 songs in total, including Nothing Eternal, What's Up With You, High-Level Fantas, Try To Understand, Stars In Heaven, And Closed With Masks.

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