Facial Care Tips Ahead Of Eid To Look Beautiful
Tips for facial care ahead of Eid (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - There are various preparations that need to be done ahead of Eid, including facial care. The need to appear confident during Eid is not only about new clothes, but also the appearance of our faces. With a clean and bright face, you will look fresher and emit a positive aura.

Celebrating the day of victory can also be interpreted by looking beautiful and stunning. Moreover, the moment of Eid is usually filled with gatherings and family gatherings that require meeting many people. That is why facial treatments should be included in the preparatory list ahead of Eid.

There is no need to think about excessive makeup, the most important thing is to keep the skin healthy and shiny naturally. There are some facial care tips ahead of Eid that you need to know.

Of course, everyone wants to appear with a clean, bright, and smooth face on Eid. Do not let the skin on your face that is dull, oily, and spotted make you less confident in meeting relatives and close friends.

It's best to go to the salon a few days before Eid before going to the salon for a health treatment. If you are lazy to leave the house, you can do your own treatment. Here are some facial treatments that you need to do in preparation for Eid:

One of the most important facial treatments to do before Eid is a facial scrub. Take the time to use a face scrub at least once a week. Face scrub serves as an exfoliation of faces to clean and remove dead skin cells.

On everyone's faces, there are usually dead skin cells that, if not cleaned, will make them look dull. That's why you need to use face scrubs to make your face brighter and smoother. You should choose a face scrub product that matches your facial skin.

Facial moisture must also be considered if you want to appear glowing during Eid. The health of facial skin is greatly influenced by the condition of facial moisture. For example, low humidity levels will make facial skin look dry.

So that the skin remains healthy and bright naturally, you must maintain skin moisture. The use of moisturizing products is very helpful if your skin tends to dry. Choose moisturizing products made from water, so that they are skin-friendly and last long usage.

Another facial care activity that you must do to welcome Eid is to clean your face regularly. You need to apply this activity every day to keep your face healthy and naturally shining. Especially if you often do activities outside the home, of course you can't miss washing your face.

When doing daily activities or outdoors, the face will be exposed to dust, sunlight, pollution, and others. If not cleaned, the exposure will make the face dull and prone to problems. That's why you should always wash your face when you get home or after your activities.

Routine washing faces is not only important for people who are outdoor activities, but also needs to be done for makeup users. Faces that are often polished with makeup products are usually exposed to chemicals. So you should use facial cleansing products if makeup is no longer needed.

Other facial care tips that you should apply before and during Eid is wearing sunscreen. You also need to always protect your face when your mobility is high or your activities outside the home.

Use sunscreen or sunblock products when leaving the house and starting activities. The use of sunscreen functions to protect the face from UV exposure that can damage the skin. By not skipping the wearing of sunscreen, you can keep your face healthy and protected from exposure from outside.

Those are some facial care tips ahead of Eid that you can do. The above method of treatment is quite simple and can be done alone at home. However, if you need more thorough treatment, you should come to the salon or beauty clinic before Eid. Also read the 2024 Eid clothes color trend for women wearing hijabs.

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