How To Improve Mentally A Child Who Isbully: Parents Must Know!
How To Mentally Improve Bullyed Children (Matra Xavier Mouton Photographie - Unsplash)

YOGYAKARTA - How to improve the mentality of a bullied child is not something that can be said to be easy, needs extra attention and some special steps that must be done consistently. But that doesn't mean it's impossible, because we will discuss it below!

Launching from Johns Hopkins Medicine, children who are victims of bullying will mostly be fine, but there are 10-20 percent of them are prone to chronic bullying.

They have a risk of experiencing bad physical and mental health effects, such as depression, physical illness, and anxiety.

Getting To Know Bullying

According to the American Psychological Association, bullying is a form of abusive attitude in which a person is planned and repeatedly causes wounds or discomfort to others.

Bullying can be in the form of physical contact, threats, and harsh words.

There is also the name cyberbullying, namely the attitude of criticizing or verbally harassing which is tried through electronic technology such as cell phones, emails, social media, or text messages.

The impact of bullying on children

Bullying can affect mental, physical, and emotional health. This can also cause physical, social or emotional injuries as well as in several cases.

Children and teenagers who are intimidated are more likely to experience mental stress, anxiety, and sometimes long-term self-esteem damage. Victims often feel lonely. Some victims may retaliate with extreme and sudden violence.

1. Becoming Supportive Parents

The method of improving the child's mentality was the first to be bullied, namely being a supportive parent. This method really helps children to feel that someone supports them.

That way, a child victim of bullying will not feel alone. In addition, supportive parents also need to lure their children to share their stories with them.

2. Trust in your child

The method of improving the child's mentality, which is then bullied, is to save trust in children. As previously explained, children who are victims of bullying tend to lose their confidence.

This method can be tried by making children aware that what has been going on is not his fault. If there is sadness, anger, and worry, it is something normal to happen.

3. Builds Confidence

One of the techniques to improve children's mentality is to help build their confidence. Because, losing self-confidence is one of the consequences of bullying.

The method of building confidence in children can be done by exercising, carrying out hobbies, and other positive activities.

4. Give Positive Advice

The method of improving the child's mentality, which is then bullied, is to give positive suggestions carefully. Because children tend to have difficulty controlling their emotions, so that some children may think about responding to this attitude.

Therefore, parents need to provide positive advice and input to their children so as not to retaliate against the actions of the actor. Because, it is not a commendable attitude.

5. Consulting with Experts

The technique of improving children's mentality that is bullied is by consulting with experts. This can be tried when the child's mental state is quite deteriorating.

By asking experts, a kind of psychologist, the child victim of bullying will get a more appropriate treatment to help his recovery.

That is the full description of how to change the child's mentality that is bullied for parents to pay attention to.

In addition, you also need to know the fact that 'Bulling Children in Indonesia Is Getting More Disturbed' and can find out how the solution is after reading it.

So after knowing how to improve the mentality of the child being bullied, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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