YOGYAKARTA - Tikus make a dirty house and become a disease nest. You need to do some of the most accurate methods of driving out mice. The good news is that expelling rats can be done using a natural method. One of them is by using materials that are usually found in the kitchen. So what are the kitchen spices to get rid of the rats?

For that, keep up with the discussion about the kitchen materials that accurately repel the rats below. Tikus are small▁ceritams that are often found in dirty areas. Tikus can even be a marker of the dirtyness of an area.

Quoting from several sources, mice arrived home to find food, water, and shelter. In many problems, the shelter after that is used as a breeding ground for mice.

Not only eating away at wood, but rats can also carry disease. Rats are known as Salmonella germs that can stimulate typhoid fever.

1. Salam leaf

Salam leaves may be safe if consumed by humans. But the same thing does not apply to mice. The fragrant aroma of greeting leaves will generally deceive rats when the food is close. However, when the greeting leaves enter the mouth, the rats will choke.

Sow dry greeting leaves in the corner or area of the entrance. Change the sprinkling of greeting leaves every 5 days for the best results.

2. Chili spray

You need to mix yourself a chili spray to get rid of this rat. Quoting from A to Z Animals, chili can make it difficult for mice to breathe properly.

Boil water in pots and smooth chilies. Then, put the processed chilies in and the cooked water into the container. Cover the container and keep it quiet for 24 hours.

Filter the chili powder which is still rough with a thin cloth. Put the mixed water of chili into the spray bottle. Spray the mixture into areas that are usually a rat's nest.

3. Bawang Bombai, Merah, and Putih

The natural method of expelling other mice is by using various types of onions. Quoting various sources, onions work with their pungent aroma.

Peels and slices onions / shallots / garlic and place them in a place that is usually a rat's nest.

4. Baking Soda

Baking soda can also actually be a natural rat poison. The trick is also fairly easy. Combine flour, sugar, and baking soda with the same dose. Then stir the combination evenly.

This combination will play a role as bait. Sugar will attract the attention of mice, while cake soda will haunt mice.

5. Black Lada

It's dark to get rid of rats is also quite accurate. The reason is, black pepper has a fairly toxic content for mice. The contents can irritate rats and feel insecure.

Just like the others, sprinkle black pepper powder in the areas of the house that become rat nests.

6. Ampas Teh

If you like drinking tea, don't throw it away. You can use tea grounds to get rid of rats. Who would have thought that in fact the tea grounds could damage the mouse's breathing when inhaled and eaten.

7. Cengkeh

Just like the others, cloves have a sharp aroma that can make rats run away from being castrated. Cengkeh is one of the kitchen materials that accurately repels rats. You can sow cloves near the area where rats often come.

In addition, you also need to read: 10 Foods That Can Invite Rats To Stray In The Kitchen so that they can be anticipated.

So after knowing the spices of the kitchen to get rid of mice, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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