When Eczema Relapses In Winter: This Must Be Done
When Eksim Kambuh In Winter (8Photo-Unsplash Image)

YOGYAKARTA - The air turns cold, meaning caution for eczema sufferers. Why? Because eczema recurrences in winter. So what to do?

Eczema is a skin disease that makes the skin itchy. Eczema can also cause the skin to become red spots, feel sore, and rash.

There are various triggers for an eczema. A kind of sensitive and dry skin, moderate to flu, or various other allergens such as mites, dust, mushrooms, or smoke.

The reason is, the eczema can increase badly in certain circumstances, for example when in a place with cold air.

Well, during this kind of rain, the weather becomes cold and eczema can get worse. So that the eczema doesn't get worse, know the right way to maintain the eczema when the air is cold, let's go!

Cold Air Makes The Eczema Worse

Not only is the air too hot, cold and dry weather can also make eczema indications continue to become severe. The eczema trigger continues to get worse in the cold weather due to the cold air causing the skin to lose water.

As a result, skin cells become dehydrated and cause dry skin, which causes eczema to continue to become severe. So that eczema do not continue to become severe during the rainy season, let's take care of the skin with some methods below!

1. Use a Skin Wave

Cold air that tends to dry will cause the skin to dry as well, especially those with eczema conditions that will dry up and become itchy. This is why, someone with eczema skin must always protect the moisture of the skin.

The method that can be used is to regularly use the right skin moisturizer. The moisturizer makes the state of eczema skin different from the moisturizers that are widely sold. Therefore, should ask a dermatologist what moisturizer is suitable for eczema skin. Don't forget to use a moisturizer after taking a shower, before bed, or after washing your hands, yes!

2. Avoid Bathing With Warm Water

When the rainy season and the weather gets cold, of course some of you often take a shower using warm water, right? But for someone who is experiencing eczema skin conditions, you should stay away from bathing using warm water, yes.

Bathing or even bathing in warm water when it rains can worsen the eczema you feel. Should be, bathing with water that is not so hot or warm, and using water with a warm temperature of nails for 5 to 10 minutes.

Soap used must also be chosen appropriately, namely those that are free of fragrance, preservatives, and dyes. After bathing, you should dry your body with a clean towel using a method on your neck and not rubbed, because it can stimulate itching on the skin.

3. Wearing Comfortable Clothes For The Skin

Exim-natural skin will be very sensitive and sensitive, because barriers or layers that protect the skin have been damaged. Therefore, we need to pay close attention to the clothing ingredients that we wear every day, so as not to cause irritation on the skin.

Even though the weather is cold again, avoid wearing layered clothes to avoid heat and sweat that causes recurrence. Not only that, also choose soft clothes and not so thick, such as cotton.

4. Using a Hudiifier or air moisturizer

Just like the previous step, damp weather is something important for those of you who have eczema skin conditions. The reason is because cold weather tends to make the air drier which will result in dry skin.

To avoid dry skin, we are obliged to make the surrounding air more moist. The method that can be used is to install a humidifier that makes the air more moist. The supplier will produce water vapor which makes the weather around us more moist and not dry.

5. Drink enough water

Not only preventing the body from becoming dehydrated, just drinking water can also avoid natural skin loss of body fluids. Not only water, we also can, consume other drinks, such as warm tea, warm milk, or ginger drinks to protect the body from being warm.

Not only that, but a research also recommends people with eczema skin conditions to consume vit D supplements to reduce the symptoms of eczema during winter. Before consuming vit D in the form of supplements, first discuss it with a doctor to get the right vit D, yes!

To make it even safer, you can also read 'Wet And Dry Eczema' so that it is easy in the healing process.

So after learning that the eczema recurred during winter, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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