7 Ways To Reduce Excessive Sweat In The Face, What's The Cause?
Way to reduce excessive sweat on the face (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - excessive sweat on the face is certainly very disturbing to comfort and appearance. Although sweat is a natural condition, some people can produce more sweat. If you are one of them, there are several ways to reduce excessive sweat on the face.

Usually the face will sweat excessively when undergoing severe activity or during hot weather. But without these two conditions, some people can also experience excessive sweat on their face area. So what are the causes and ways to deal with excessive sweat on the face?

The appearance of a lot of sweat on the face can indicate a cryaniophative hyperhydrosis condition. Faces that sweat excessively can be caused by sweat glands that always work, thus producing sweat even though they are not needed.

Until now, it is still not known for certain the cause of primary hyperhydrosis. However, this condition is likely caused by genetic factors. While secondary hyperhydrosis can be affected due to the following causes:

The appearance of excessive sweat on the face makes the face look oily and glossy. This condition of course makes you feel uncomfortable and less confident when facing social situations.

For those of you who often experience these problems, here are some ways to deal with excessive sweat on your face:

One of the steps that you can apply to deal with excessive oil on your face is to wash using cold water. This method aims to close the pores of facial skin which is a place for excessive sweat to come out. You can undergo this habit before and after daily activities.

The use of cosmetic products does play an important role in supporting facial beauty. However, the use of creams, makeup, or skincare that contain oil can worsen the problem of sweat on your face.

Some cosmetic products can block pores, resulting in a buildup of dirt on the face. So so that excessive sweat does not appear on the face, it is better to reduce the use of cosmetic products whose ingredients are oil-based during hot weather.

The next tip you can do to deal with excessive sweat on your face is to avoid certain foods, there are some foods that trigger more sweat production.

It is better to reduce eating foods such as chocolate, sitrus, and spicy processed. In addition, caffeinated and alcoholic drinks also need to be avoided because they can cause the body to sweat easily.

Not a few people use multi-layered makeup to beautify their faces. However, the use of makeup in this way when the weather is hot will actually worsen the condition of your facial skin. So wear a natural and simple or not excessive makeup look so that your face looks fresher.

The use of powder sprinkles is also quite effective in absorbing sweat and excess oil on the face. So to avoid a lot of sweat in the face area, you can use evenly sprinkled powder before leaving the house.

To deal with excessive sweat on your face, you can also compress using ice cubes. Wraps of rock ice with a clean cloth layer to put on your face. Do this method for a few minutes so that the pores are covered and effectively prevents sweaty faces.

You can also reduce excessive sweat on your face using natural ingredients, namely cucumber. You can make a little cucumber juice to be used as a face mask. Use cucumber mask on your face overnight and apply it every day to prevent excessive sweat and oil.

Those are some tips or ways to reduce excessive sweat on the face. Also read fruit articles to slow down the aging process of the skin in order to maintain the health of your skin.

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