Knowing The Benefits And How To Improve Body Balance
Illustration of benefits and ways to improve body balance (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA Body balance is related to many activities. Without realizing it, walking, rising from a chair, and bowing when wearing shoes, requires balance. Balance is built from strong muscles and the ability to keep the body stable does not fall. Balance also plays a role in a number of benefits, in addition to being closely related to posture, here is a complete explanation of what the benefits of balance of the body and how to improve this aspect.

Body balance is the fundamental component of every movement we do. Being able to maintain balance, means being able to carry out a lot of daily activities independently or without the help of tools or even other people. There are three supporters in balance, this is related to sensory aspects. Among them, vision, proprioception or body awareness in space, as well as a vestibular system or an inner ear function that helps with spatial orientation.

Balance can be lost, due to inner ear problems, leg pain, history of injuries to the lower part of the body, vision problems, loss of depth perception, and drug side effects. Launching the West Pennant Hills Physiotherapy and Sports Injuries Center page, Wednesday, December 13, here are the benefits of body balance:

Without balance, the body easily falls. As you get older, your body balance needs to be trained. But when you have a good body balance, then the ability to adapt to body change and react will be better. For example, when you step on a pebble, you are able to concentrate on moving quickly and not falling.

Postures and balance go hand in hand. Many people who don't live a passive lifestyle, or sit down a lot and lie down, affect the body's balance. Things that contribute to poor posture and the body experiences limitations, including because it too long bows in front of the screen. So doing balance exercises help improve posture and fight the bad effects of a lifestyle that doesn't move much. With exercise, the body will more easily adapt when static to dynamic.

Many sportsmen who suffer from sporting injuries such as ankle sprains or knee injuries find their balance reduced after injury. Their ability to stand on one leg, jump, jump, or make changes in direction quickly is limited and requires proper rehabilitation so that the body can overcome the demands of exercise and daily activities.

Training balance and proportions especially after injury can not only help you recover faster than injury, but also help prevent further injury and chronic instability. So what exercises can improve your body's balance? Here's an explanation.

Balance exercise involves doing exercises that strengthen muscles that help you stay upright, including your legs and cores. This kind of exercise can improve stability and help prevent falling. Balance exercise, among others:

In addition to the above, training the body's balance can be done with strength training. Especially training the leg muscles and core muscles or core muscles. Some movements may also use the chest and shoulder muscles, such as the plank position in yoga. Reported by WebMD, when you strengthen muscles, it also helps relieve joint inflammation by providing more support to painful joints. But when exercise, it is necessary to adjust or avoid certain movements to reduce pressure on your knees. For example, balance movements involving lunge may burden your knee's ability.

If you are suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or even heart disease, exercise is a must to help you control your condition. Balance training is a good start. The first step in endurance training should focus on core and balance exercises, according to the American Council on Exercise. The more intense the balance exercise, you can help control blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure during regular exercise.

For women who are pregnant, how to improve body balance with exercise, must be done carefully. Choose a movement that remains standing on two legs as the support of the body. Before doing training activities for balance, it is better to consult a doctor first.

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