Research Results Call Couples Who Often Discuss Finance Proven More Happy
Illustration (Vera Arsic/Pexels)

JAKARTA - Money can't buy you love. But money can be a barrier between you and your partner if you don't talk about it openly.

According to a poll of more than 1,300 Americans, reported by the Medical Express, Tuesday, November 28, couples who regularly discuss finance, at least once a week, are shown to be happier in relationships than those who rarely talk about finance.

On the other hand, money is a source of conflict for nearly a third of couples and especially at times of pressure. and uncertainty about finances can add to these pressures.

Additional research from North Carolina State University shows that working as a team and financial literate can help.

You can increase financial literacy through:

But how can you start if you tend to avoid this topic? Take the right time for you, not when you feel in a hurry, angry, or tired. Talk about finance in general, then about any big things or plans planned in the future related to finance.

Couples rarely meet face to face in solving every problem, but don't avoid discussing because they are afraid of different opinions. It's better to settle concerns about money than hide it or lie about it and then have to face the consequences.

If you don't learn about finances as you grow up, you may find it difficult to address what is considered a taboo topic. But financial talks are good for your personal and relationship gains.

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