How To Negotiate Salaries For Fresh Graduates, Get Salaries According To Desire And Value
How to negotiate salaries (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Research says that 93% of Gen Z are willing to get a small salary as long as they work life balance and are mentally healthy. Currently, some of Gen Z have graduated from college and entered the world of work. Even though fresh graduates can still earn a more decent or lucrative income, as long as they know how to negotiate salaries.

Salary negotiations are an important step in the work interview process. Discussions about salaries or salaries will usually be held during the last interview to see the suitability of job seeker skills and expectations in the proposed position. At this time you have the opportunity to provide the standard salary you want.

However, salary negotiations should not be carried out carelessly or only prioritize the applicant's ambitions. If this step is taken without measurable calculations, then you will most likely not be accepted for work. There are some tips or ways of negotiating salaries for fresh graduates.

Not a few prospective workers are reluctant to negotiate their salaries because they don't do it. Even though negotiations are a natural thing in the world of work or companies to provide decent compensation. Even salary negotiations do not only apply to job applicants, but can also be done by workers who have contributed to their companies.

The following are tips for negotiating salaries during interviews so that your offer is agreed upon by HRD:

The first step you need to take before starting the interview process for salary negotiations is to do research. You have to take the time to find out more about the company, the responsibility of the position of the job you choose, and the amount of salary they offer.

In addition, you also need to find out the amount of salary for your profession in the market or other companies. Also look at how many UMR, UMP, and UMK in the company area you are selling. This research is very important to find out the standard salary and choose the nominal you will offer.

The amount of salary paid by the company to employees is not only based on market salt for the profession proposed. Salaries received by workers are also adjusted to the qualifications or skills they have.

So when negotiating salaries, you need to recognize your abilities and values. The company will see the skills, experience, and achievements you have to see the salary you deserve.

Often during the salary negotiation process, job applicants forget about the costs related to work. The costs in question are such as the energy spent (eating), transportation, accommodation (if out of town), the internet, and maybe additional courses or classes for skill upgrades. All these components need to be calculated to determine the amount of salary you will offer.

HRD will usually offer salaries in a certain nominal range, for example from IDR 5 million to IDR 8 million. You should choose the highest offer first, especially if the nominal is as expected and according to your value.

If you think the salary range offered is still lacking, you can ask about the possible salary negotiations and convey strong reasons to the salt you want.

Discussion about salary is indeed a sensitive thing, but it is natural to do in the work interview process. It is better to avoid conveying the desired salary figure before being asked by HRD. Check out the explanation from HRD first and wait until he mentions questions about salary.

In the process of negotiating salaries, you should not only focus on having a basic salary or fixed income received every month. You also need to ask about the benefits and other facilities that can be obtained, such as overtime pay, BPJS, THR, health insurance, funds for skill upgrades, and others.

Those are some tips or ways to negotiate salary for fresh graduates in order to earn the income they want and according to the value they have. Salary negotiations are an important step that will affect your comfort in working or contributing to the company.

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