9 Foods That Can't Be Consumed By Ambeien Sufferers
Ambeien illustration (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA When you suffer from ambeien, there are some foods that cannot be eaten. This is done so that the symptoms experienced do not get worse. Then what foods should not be consumed by ambeien sufferers?

Quoted from AI Care, hemoroids or ambeien are health problems in the form of a condition where venous blood vessels experience swelling in the large intestines of the anus or rectum. In the general public, ambeien is also known as hemorrhoids.

When a person experiences ambeien, changes in a healthy lifestyle are highly recommended, especially by paying attention to the food consumed. Foods that should not be eaten by people with hemorrhoids or ameieen are as follows.

If you suffer from ambeien as much as possible to avoid spicy food, both in the form of powder and whole chili. This is done because after eating spicy, the taste usually begins until you are forced to defecate as often as possible. After defecating the anus, it usually feels hot due to the effect of chili. This will certainly worsen the pain in the anus.

Salt can bind the water in the body. If you eat too much salted food, the volume of blood will increase and increase the pressure on the blood vessels, including at the bottom. This condition is feared to worsen the pain due to ambeien.

Junk food is not only high in salt but also low in fiber. If you consume junk food too often, it is feared that constipation will occur to worsen ambeien. On the other hand, you are advised to eat fruits and high-fiber vegetables.

Ambeien sufferers are not recommended to eat red meat because the food is quite difficult to digest. Even when you defecate, bloodstains will appear until they end up on constipation. In people with ambeien these conditions will be very painful. Avoid eating red meat or foods that contain high fat.

Cheese turns out to be declared a food that can't be eaten by ambeien sufferers. Reporting from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK), this product contains high lactose which risks irrupting the skin of the anus area. This condition certainly worsens ambeien's condition.

If you are suffering from ambeien, avoid foods that contain high acid, including fruits such as lemons or oranges. The acid in these foods has the potential to trigger diarrhea which will make the symptoms of ambeien even worse.

These two types of food have the potential to trigger constipation so that defecation becomes difficult. When that happens you have to strain to remove the feces through the anus. Of course, the defecation process is very painful for Ambeien sufferers. As much as possible avoid food that triggers hard feces.

Consumption of seplements containing iron and zinc must be stopped immediately when you suffer from ambeien. Both of them both trigger digestive problems so that they have the potential to worsen the symptoms of ambeien. If forced to consume either or both, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

For some people, caffeine and alcohol are sometimes used as a mixture of cooking ingredients. Both have no problem being consumed but should be avoided when experiencing diabetes. Both caffeine and alcohol will make the feces hard so that defamation becomes difficult.

Those are some foods that ambeien sufferers should not consume. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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