YOGYAKARTA Orgasm is a climax condition related to sexual aspects. Although many types of orgasm, even during sleep and exercise can also experience orgasm. But orgasm experienced in same-sex relationships, may be more difficult to achieve. According to sex experts, here are some tips for partners to increase orgasm.

Equipment is filled with nerve endings, but some points tend to be more sensitive otherwise. So providing stimulation in the right place, can produce an orgasm that is more intense and fun. Like giving clitoris stimulation, this is a sensitive zone comparable to a penis and if stimulated it causes a very intense orgasm.

According to bordering Kennington, Ph.D., certified sex therapist reported by Insider, Friday, September 8, this intense stimulus can actually be done in G-spot areas other than C-spots or around the clitoris. In men, the P-spot area can be stimulated which refers to the prostate, which is a reproductive organ located below the bladder and produces manifold water. Some people find that exciting this area produces fast and very intense orgasm.

Emily Jamea, Ph.D., certified sex therapist conducts research that finds that increasing sensuality or the ability to harmonize the senses outside the bedroom increases sexual satisfaction in the bedroom by strengthening the body's connected mind. For example enjoying the sensation of food, sun hitting the face, to cool winds touching the skin.

Masturbation can produce a better orgasm and needs to be included in a sex session with a partner. Because by intimidating with your partner, each knows what makes you and your partner excited.

Often, people stop intimidating or consuming pornography, thinking it will increase their orgasm when having sex with a partner. However, Kennington says there is no correlation between pornographic consumption, malnourished, and a better orgasm when having sex with a partner.

Masturbation allows people to visually show their partner what makes them climax. This helps their partner understand what feels good for them sexually and can improve sex with their partner in the future.

Foreplay or warming expands sexual tension during sex with a partner. By warming up, a partner can produce orgasms more enjoyable. This is an important component for women. Because vaginas often produce natural lubricants when aroused to prepare the body for penetration. An important foreplay before penetration because this lubricant makes the sex relationship of penetration partners more comfortable.

Anxiety related to sex performance often prevents you and your partner from experiencing maximum pleasure during sex. This anxiety comes from feeling insecure, negative body image, or how your partner feels about you sexually. This anxiety causes men to experience premature ejaculation or not at all. So Kennington suggests focusing on sexual pleasure from the experience of having sex with your partner rather than worrying about other things.

The educational technique is the practice of ending sexual stimulation right when you are about to orgasm, wait for a moment, and then give you more stimulation to control orgasm time.

Both loss of control and stimulation in male penises both orally and manually can make orgasm very fun, said Kentton. He added, that for women who are stimulated by the clitoris, they have the same goal.

In addition to giving and receiving stimulation, communication between partners is important. By communicating, couples can tell each other and understand when to reach orgasm and need anything to achieve optimal pleasure.

Sexual fantasy is an erotic mental picture that evokes the passion that is imagined in the head. Although people may feel embarrassed discussing this with a partner, discussions can help build a passion for and with a partner. Kentton said, fantasy is one of the most important factors in sex.

Kegel is an exercise that helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The stronger and healthier the pelvic floor muscles, the better the orgasm or someone, explained Jamea.

Strong pelvic floor muscles, can produce more intense orgasms. Not only for women, but also for men. Jamea recommends Kegel exercises for people who have ejaculation too fast when having sex with a partner. Often, premature ejaculation or orgasm occurs quickly because the pelvic floor muscles are too fast. Doing this exercise can help people learn to relax these muscles during sex and therefore, get a more enjoyable sexual experience.

In addition to the eight tips above, Kennington recommends that partners explore sex positions. Although sex positions do not guarantee orgasm, it is important to learn how to get a great orgasm from your partner and you.

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