Director and actor Taika Waititi revealed his plans for the film Thor 5. Thor's story has not been confirmed, but he has shared a number of potential plots for the superhero.

"What's left for him (Thor)? This should be something related to the evolution of his character, but still fun and giving him something to deal with the problems he's going to go through," Taika Waititi said in Thor's latest content.

I don't think we can have a weaker villain than Hela (Cate Khatt). I think we should upgrade it from there and make a better villain," he said.

In addition to the great villain, Rita Ora's husband also hopes that there will be many monsters and aliens in Thor's latest film.

"There's a nice element for Thor and he looks casual when he visits the world and faces these aliens," Waititi said again.

"I don't think you will get it if it is the inhabitants of the earth who travel through space exploring the universe," he said.

Previously, Taika Waititi directed Thor: Love and Thunder as the 29th film in the Marvel cinematic universe. The film stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tessa Thompson, Christian Bale, Chris Pratt, and others.

Airing in June 2022, this film received a positive and negative response during its broadcast. Even so, Thor: Love and Thunder film successfully became the 8th film with the most income throughout the year of broadcast.

Marvel Studio has not explained the continuation of the Thor franchise, but in the film there is an inscription 'Thor will return' or Thor will return. The writing at the end of the film turned out to be unknown to Taika Waititi or Chris Hemsworth as Thor.

Waititi was open to the opportunity to make Thor's film again after knowing the article.

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