Annoying Wet Dandruff? Follow These Tips To Get Rid Of It
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JAKARTA - Maybe itchiness, it could be white granules from your scalp, dandruff with its various forms has become one of the hair problems that many people have experienced. However, when dandruff mixes with excessive sebum production on the scalp, wet dandruff becomes a hair problem that really needs to be addressed.

If shampoos and hair care products that promise dandruff-free hair haven't been able to solve this hair problem, maybe some natural ways to get rid of wet dandruff can be a solution that needs to be tried. Curious how? Here's a summary of the VOI from HerWorld, Tuesday, May 17.

Aloe vera gel

Many properties are stored in aloe vera, providing benefits for health and beauty. Not only the face, but aloe vera gel is also known to have benefits for hair, including overcoming wet dandruff.

With vitamins B, C, and E as well as various cleansing enzymes, aloe vera gel can be a solution to remove dead skin cells, build up oil, and clean hair follicles that cause wet dandruff.

You simply apply three to four tablespoons of aloe vera gel all over your scalp. Then, soak a towel in hot water and wring it out before wrapping your hair in the towel. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo.

Fenugreek seeds

This one grain is somewhat rarely heard of. But fenugreek is the solution sought. Many people are more familiar with it by the name of fenugreek, a powerful herbal plant to cure various serious diseases, then lose weight, as well as have health benefits.

The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal content in this one seed can fight various infections that aggravate the condition of wet dandruff on the hair. To feel the benefits on your hair, you can soak these fenugreek seeds overnight and then crush them into a fine paste.

Once smooth, apply to the scalp and leave for 30 minutes before washing with a mild shampoo. Do this natural treatment twice a week for maximum results.

Apple Cider Vinegar

A natural way to get rid of wet dandruff on hair can also use apple cider vinegar. Not only is it known to help maintain healthy skin (and free it from acne), apple cider vinegar can also be a wet dandruff remover.

Acidic apple cider vinegar can help balance the pH levels in your scalp, making it difficult for dandruff-causing fungi to grow. You simply fill half a glass with apple cider vinegar and then apply it all over your scalp and massage it gently.

Leave it on for 10 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo. Make sure you use conditioner to make sure your strands stay smooth. No need to do it often, just do this treatment once a week.

Coconut oil

Coconut has many benefits in every part, including the oil that is squeezed from the flesh of the fruit. Not only is it an option for some people to lose weight with a healthier lifestyle, but coconut oil also has benefits for eliminating hair problems. Wet dandruff is no exception.

Coconut oil has a role to increase the moisture of the scalp thereby reducing the production of dandruff, both wet and dry. The treatment is also quite easy and can be done at home. You need 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil to apply all over the scalp evenly.

Leave it on for 30 to 60 minutes before rinsing it off with a mild shampoo. Make sure you rinse it thoroughly until it's clean, you don't want to finish the treatment instead of producing oily hair, right? Once it's half dry, gently comb your hair from root to tip to make sure there's no dandruff remaining.

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