Teach Investments Early, Pegadaian Invites People To Use Gold As THR For Children
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - Corporate Secretary of PT Pegadaian Zulfan Adam invites the public to use gold as a means of sharing holiday allowances (THR) for children so as to teach them to invest early on.

This golden THR can become a new habit for parents. Usually, the THR is in the form of money, now is the time to distribute gold metals, so that later the THR collected can become an investment that is not affected by inflation," said Zulfan Adam in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Monday 25 March.

He said that the money obtained by children from the distribution of THR by relatives on Eid al-Fitr is often spent on consumptive activities.

In order for children to be interested in saving and investing the THR proceeds, the distribution of money can be replaced with gold mini baby gold, starting from 0.02 grams which is priced at IDR 50 thousand at Pegadaian gold retail outlet, Gallery 24.

In addition to gold mini baby gold, Pegadaian also has other gold investment products, namely digital Gold Savings which can be accessed through the Digital Pegadaian application.

"The Pegadaian Gold Savings is intended for customers who don't want to bother storing gold, because the purchases are made using the Digital Pegadaian application which can be downloaded through the Playstore or Appstore," said Zulfan.

According to him, the opening of this type of savings can be done quickly and easily with an investment value starting from IDR 10,000.

Previously, Finex Brahmantya analyst Himawan said market participants preferred gold as a hedge asset in anticipating risks amid global uncertainty.

"Especially regarding geopolitics that traders are uncertain, in my opinion, are more interested in the assets of safe heaven gold as a hedge," said Brahmantya.

According to him, gold itself is currently the prima donna that has the potential to increase to reach new all-time high due to positive sentiment from geopolitical heat, recession from big countries and uncertain economic conditions.

The price of gold bullion at PT Aneka Tambang Tbk (Antam) on Monday morning was observed to be stable at Rp1,203,000 per gram.

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