Erick Thohir Will Accompany The Number Of SOEs To Be Under 40 Companies
Ministry of SOEs (Photo: dock. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) is committed to continuing to streamline the number of state-owned companies. The target is to cut the number to the remaining 40 companies.

Deputy Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said the downsizing of this state-owned company was part of the BUMN transformation and cleaning program from the leadership of SOE Minister Erick Thohir.

Tiko, Kartika Wirjoatmodjo's nickname, said that currently the number of state-owned companies available is 45 companies. This number will be added to the remaining 40 companies.

"Currently there are 45 SOEs where the final target is that we will only manage under 40 SOEs with 12 clusters. This is the final target of the transformation of SOE management in 12 clusters," he said when met at Danareksa Tower, Friday, December 29.

Tiko said, the transformation of SOEs carried out under the leadership of Erick Tbohir, apart from restructuring and holding, also carried out the dissolution of SOEs with negative performance.

"In the process of transforming SOEs carried out by Mr. Erick Thohir since 2019, we have several initial processes that are now in the fourth year, we are doing clean SOEs, with various holdings, mergers, and handling SOEs with problems," he explained.

Especially for the problem BUMN cluster, continued Tiko, it will be managed under the Danareksa holding and Asset Management Company (PPA) to help make it healthy.

"We will strengthen PPA again, PPA has a unique function to manage SOEs that carry out restructuring that no longer have a contribution, we will disband them," he said.

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