Jakarta LRT Passengers Increase On Average Reaching 2,800 Passengers Per Day
Technicians carry out maintenance of the Jakarta LRT train at the Jakarta LRT Depot, Pegangsaan Dua, Jakarta, Tuesday (17/10/2023). BETWEEN PHOTOS/Aprillio Akbar/rwa/aa

JAKARTA - PT Lintas Raya Terpadu (LRT) Jakarta noted that the number of passengers on the Jakarta LRT until October 2023 experienced an average increase of 2,800 passengers per day.

"As of October 2023, Jakarta LRT passengers have recorded an average of 2,800 passengers per day. This number has increased from the average number of daily passengers in 2022, namely 1,877 passengers," said Head of Corporate Secretary Division of PT LRT Jakarta Sheila Indira Mahardi as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, November 18.

Based on data as of October 2023, it can be seen that the distribution of the most crowded passengers is in the morning and evening, where this movement is projected according to the period of departure and return from community work.

While the most passengers are at North Boulevard Station and Velodrome Station which has a sky-bridge that is connected directly to the TransJakarta Pemuda bus stop.

Sheila said that the Jakarta LRT continues to be committed to providing the best service for all service users. The Jakarta LRT will try to improve service quality, including infrastructure that supports operations.

In terms of service, the Jakarta LRT always carries out employee development programs, especially service officers who deal directly with passengers at stations and train facilities (ASP/manilist) crews.

"This development program is in accordance with the quality service standards (SPM) set, including inclusion services such as handling priority passengers and disabilities," said Sheila.

In terms of supporting infrastructure, the Jakarta LRT has a depot that supports the implementation of maintenance and needs of other facilities to support train operations, which of course is supported by the readiness of the Jakarta LRT that has experience in carrying out treatment, both light maintenance and heavy maintenance.

The Jakarta LRT also has SPM set by Pergub 95/2019 regarding the achievement of customer quality and satisfaction which is routinely evaluated by the DKI Jakarta Provincial Transportation Agency every month.

In terms of service, the Jakarta LRT seeks to hear input from passengers through various channels such as surveys and social media channels. So that the Jakarta LRT can find out things that need to be improved and make effective, efficient, and accurate improvements.

In addition, Sheila said that the Jakarta LRT always follows the latest developments in the public transportation industry and continues to improve service standards in accordance with changes in customer needs and expectations.

"We always innovate in the development of services and technical aspects for the convenience of passengers," said Sheila.

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