JAKARTA - To ease the burden on community owners of micro-businesses such as street vendors and stalls, the government favors the National Economic Recovery program (PEN) during the implementation of PPKM (Community Activity Restrictions) Level 4 in 141 regencies/cities from 28 provinces.

One of the programs for small communities is the Cash Assistance for Street Vendors and Stalls (BT-PKLW) which is distributed through the TNI and Police.

The purpose of the BT-PKLW program is to encourage street vendors (PKL) and shop owners to get up immediately by improving the pandemic situation. The recipients of BT-PKLW are street vendors and shop owners who have not received assistance through the Micro Business Productive Banpres (BPUM) scheme.

Each recipient will receive cash assistance of IDR 1.2 million. This assistance is given to 1 million street vendors and shop owners, until the end of 2021.

President Joko Widodo accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs, Airlangga Hartarto, and Governor of DI Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengkubowono X, distributed BT-PKLW directly to recipients in the Malioboro area, Yogyakarta, Central Java, Saturday 9 October.

The President hopes that the BT-PKLW program is really useful to help street vendors and shop owners to get back up.

"On this occasion, I inaugurate the commencement of the provision of cash assistance for 1 million street vendors and small stalls throughout Indonesia. The assistance of IDR 1.2 million per person will be given and it will be started for the first time in the Malioboro area, Yogyakarta", said President Joko Widodo, in the Malioboro area, quoted from the ekon.go.id page, Saturday 9 October.

The distribution of the BT-PKLW program cash assistance program was simultaneously distributed in 141 districts and cities throughout Indonesia, through the TNI and Police.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister Airlangga said that currently, the engine of economic growth has started to improve. People's confidence in their activities began to increase, so that it had a good impact on the community's economy, including the tourism sector.

"Yogyakarta's economic growth is also very good at 11.81% in the second quarter of 2021", said Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

The BT-PKLW program was initiated to complement the Government's programs that have been running so far, such as BPUM, KUR interest subsidies, MSME working capital credit guarantees, MSME Final PPh bore by the Government, and MSME loan restructuring.

The distribution scheme carried out through TNI and Police officers take into account the effectiveness of distributing aid quickly and evenly throughout Indonesia. In fact, it can be directly accepted by the small community. The officers immediately went to collect data and verify the recipients of BT-PKLW.

As of October 8, 2021, data on prospective recipients who have entered are 930,773 people and have been verified. This data will continue to increase until the specified target is achieved.

In the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, out of a total of 19,360 BT-PKLW recipients, assistance has been distributed to 7,341 street vendors and shop owners. The achievement target has reached 39.68%.

In DIY Province, 24,518 people have been recorded, and 7,471 have been distributed by the National Police. As for the Yogyakarta City area itself, from a total of 4,974 data on BT-PKLW recipients, the assistance has been distributed to 963 street vendors and shop owners, or 21.40%.

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