TANGERANG - Police arrested a young man with the initials DPK (20) who allegedly stabbed a MI shopkeeper (24) to death, and left R (24) injured, on Jalan Gempol Raya, Pinang, Tangerang City, Sunday, February 18, early in the morning.

"The perpetrator was arrested by the Tangerang City Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit together with the Jatanras Sub-Directorate," said Tangerang City Metro Police Chief, Kombes Zain Dwi Nugoroho in his statement, Monday, February 19.

Zain explained the chronology of the stabbing incident occurred when the perpetrator came to the victim's shop to exchange Rp50 thousand in cash. However, the victim MI admitted that he did not have any change at the time of the incident.

The perpetrator was annoyed that the victim did not have any change. Shortly thereafter, said Zaim, the perpetrator took a knife from his pocket and stabbed MI.

Another shopkeeper, R, who saw the incident, tried to help. However, he was also the target of the perpetrator. Luckily R didn't have the same fate as MI. R only suffered injuries as a result of a knife.

The two victims were taken to the hospital. Unfortunately MI was declared dead during medical treatment.

"There were 2 victims of the persecution carried out by the perpetrators of the DPK. One person died with the initials MI, due to stab wounds to the right chest," he said.

The investigation carried out by the police has paid off. The perpetrators of the DPK were arrested while trying to escape using a bus on the Lampung Toll Road to Jambi, on the same day Sunday, February 18, at 17.00 WIB.

The DPK was named a suspect and charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder and or Article 354 paragraph (2) of the Criminal Code with a threat of 15 years.

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