Today The KPK Schedules To Check Idrus Marham In The Eddy Hiariej Corruption Case
Archives - Chairman of IKA UIN Alauddin Makassar Idrus Marham (right) after Mubes and the UINAM/DOK extended family gathering BETWEEN
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has scheduled a summons to senior Golkar Party politician Idrus Marham for questioning in the alleged corruption case that dragged the name of former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights Edward Omar Sharif Hiariej (EOSH) alias Eddy Hiariej. "Today, at the KPK's Red and White Building, the investigative team has scheduled the summons and examination of witness Idrus Marham," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri in a written statement received in Jakarta, Tuesday, January 30. Idrus will be questioned in his capacity as a witness from the private sector in the case. However, Ali has not disclosed the subject of the examination that will be investigated against Idrus Marham. In this case, investigators from the anti-corruption commission have detained the President Director of PT Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM) Helmut Hermawan (HH) for his role as a suspect in giving bribes. In addition, the KPK has also named three suspects for receiving bribes, namely Eddy Hiariej (EOSH), lawyer Yosi Andika Mulyadi (YAM), and personal assistant EOSH with the name Yogi Arie Rukmana (YAR). However, the KPK has not yet detained the three of them. The construction of the alleged corruption began with disputes and internal disputes at PT CLM from 2019 to 2022 regarding ownership status. To resolve the dispute, HH as the President Director of PT CLM took the initiative to seek legal consultants and in accordance with the recommendations, namely EOSH. As a follow-up to this, around April 2022, a meeting was held at the EOSH official residence which was attended by HH with staff and PT CLM. The result of the meeting was reached by an agreement, namely EOSH is ready to provide legal consultations for PT CLM AHU. EOSH assigned YAR and YAM as his representation. The amount of money agreed to be given by HH to EOSH amounted to around Rp. 4 billion. In addition, HH also experienced legal problems at Bareskrim Polri. Therefore, EOSH is willing and promises that the legal process can be stopped through SP3 with the delivery of around Rp. 3 billion. HH also asked for EOSH assistance, as Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights at that time, to help the process of unblocking the results of the PT CLM General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS). With the authority of EOSH, the unblocking process was finally carried out. HH is also said to have given back around Rp1 billion for EOSH's personal needs to run in the nomination of the chairman of the Central Board of the Indonesian Tennis Association (PP Pelti). The KPK made the provision of around Rp. 8 billion from HH to EOSH through YAR and YAM as initial evidence to continue to be explored and explored until it was developed.
HH, as the giver, is suspected of violating Article 5 paragraph (1) letter a or b or Article 13 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001.

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