Tangerang Regency KPU Targets The Administrative Letter Of The 2024 Election Until January 22
Suspended ballots for the 2024 General Election in Tangerang Regency/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - The General Election Commission (KPU) of Tangerang Regency targets the sorting and multiplicating of 12 million presidential and vice presidential elections, DPR, DPD RI and DPRD to be completed on January 22, 2024.

"For the target of completing the sorting process and multiplicating ballots on the third Sunday of January," said Tangerang Regency KPU Chairman Muhammad Umar, Monday, January 15.

Umar said that the sorting process for the DPR RI and DPRD ballots had been completed. However, the DPD RI still needs a few more days to complete it.

"There is only one more stage, namely the DPD RI ballot," he said

The matter for the presidential and vice presidential elections is still in the process of multiplying and sorting ballots. He said that the process had been carried out since the last few weeks.

"We have started sorting and multiplicating emilu ballots since the last few weeks," he said.

Umar also explained that during the sorting and folding of ballots, his party had coordinated with local security to tighten security and supervision. The goal is to anticipate things that are not desirable.

"Since the arrival of the election logistics, we have coordinated with Bawaslu, Police/TNI. So that later when the reception is immediately carried out, it will be monitored until the process of multiplicating and sorting," he concluded.

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