Police Arrest Methamphetamine Dealers In Banjarmasin, 15 Packages Ready To Edar Arrested
The seller of methamphetamine with the initials HT along with evidence when secured at the West Banjarmasin Police (ANTARA/Gunawan Wibisono)

The police arrested a shabu-type narcotics dealer with the initials HT alias Kalud (40) in Gang Emasurai, Kuin Cerucuk Village, West Banjarmasin District, South Kalimantan (Kalsel). Kelud was arrested when he was about to make a transaction.

"We arrested the perpetrator when he was about to make a transaction," said West Banjarmasin Police Chief Kompol Aris Munandar in Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Monday, December 18, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that no evidence was found on the perpetrator's body when the arrest was made. However, when the police carried out the development of the perpetrator's house in the Dua Sekawan I Complex, Liang Anggang Village, Banjarbaru City, 15 packages of methamphetamine were found ready for distribution.

"A total of 15 packages of crystal methamphetamine were stored in the perpetrator's room," said Aris

Aris said that this case will continue to be developed to find out where the perpetrators got the illicit goods.

In addition to securing evidence of methamphetamine, his party also secured a unit of digital scales and cash amounting to Rp805,000.

"HT and evidence of his crimes have been secured at the Sector Police to undergo an examination for further legal proceedings for his actions," said Aris.

The police chief added that from the results of the temporary examination, HT had been named a suspect and charged with Article 114 paragraph (2) junto 112 Paragraph (2) of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.

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