Mother Of The Victim Of Obscenity At The South Tangerang Islamic Boarding School Admits Her Child Was Expelled From School After Making A Police Report
Santriwati, who claimed to have been molested by the Islamic boarding school in the South Tangerang area/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG heard the victim's parents' confession regarding the alleged sexual abuse case committed by the Principal (Kepsek) at one of the Islamic boarding schools (ponpes) in the Serpong area of South Tangerang (Tangsel), the police needed to act seriously. Because, at this time the victim's family claimed to have been intimidated by the Ponpes.

Not only that, S as the victim's biological mother said that her baby was removed from the boarding school because she had made a police report.

"My guess is that, because I made a police report (his son was expelled from school)," said S, Friday, December 15.

Before being expelled from the boarding school, the victim did make a post-mortem to complete the police report process. At that time, the victim was accompanied by P2TP2A South Tangerang.

After the post-mortem, the victim was taken back to his house. And he was surprised, this was also known by the boarding school administrators.

"The return I did not accompany my son to the hut again. The one who delivered it was P2TP2A. Maghrib, my son was taken home. The hut (knowing about it) he was upset," he said.

S admitted that he was surprised by the attitude of the boarding school. His son was expelled from school because he was considered to be in contact with a man on the street. In fact, according to S, the man in question is his sick brother.

"My son was released on the grounds of walking with a boy, I still have proof of his chat. Even though my son was taking his sister home walking from Ciater to Kreo. My son, who was sick with fever, "explained S, the victim's parents.

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