5 Unidentified Bodies At The Unpri Medan Campus, Police Cecar Campus
Police Members conducted an examination at Prima Indonesia University (Unpri), on Sampul Street, Medan City (Ist)

MEDAN - Medan City Police Resort found five unidentified bodies during a search and processing of the scene at Prima Indonesia University (Unpri), on Jalan Sampul, Medan City, last Tuesday.

The search was carried out after a viral video of the discovery of a human body in a water bath on the ninth floor of the Unpri Medan parking lot.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Medan City Kompol Teuku Fathir Mustafa said that his party had searched a number of rooms starting from the ground floor to the fifteenth floor of Medan Unpri.

Fathir also said that the five bodies were found on the 15th floor of the Unpri building after conducting a search.

"We found five bodies, 4 men, 1 woman without an identity on the 15th floor after we conducted all searches," Fathir said, Wednesday, December 13.

Previously, the Medan Polrestabes Satreskrim had also examined as many as six witnesses related to a viral video of the alleged discovery of the body in the waters of Unpri Medan. In fact, his party also deployed a team of Forensic Laboratory of the North Sumatra Police to help carry out an investigation related to the findings of the human body.

In addition, the North Sumatra Police also dispatched an identification team at Prima Indonesia University to assist in the investigation and identify the bodies at the Prima Indonesia University of Medan.

Until now, the Medan Police Satreskrim is still conducting investigations and asking for information from Unpri regarding the findings of the five unidentified bodies.

"We are still asking for clarity from the campus where the bodies came from, their identities and why we are still investigating and deepening this campus," he concluded.

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