What Is Quishing: Online Fraud By Scanping QR For Identity Stealing And Kurasing Victim's Account
Illustration of QRIS (DoIllustration of cybercrime (Pixabay)k Antara)

YOGYAKARTA Although it is rife, not many people know what quinhing is. In general, quinhing is a cyber crime in the form of technology fraud. The loss caused by quinhing is identity theft to theft of money stored in a bank account.

Quishing is a scam committed using a fake QR code. The name quinhing itself is a combination of the terms QR code and phishing. The way the phishing scam works is done by luring QR users. When consumers scan the QR code, they will be taken to the phishing website with a very similar appearance to the original website of the company and the targeted organization.

Suffocation scams are very easy to do considering that QR codes are currently widely used for payment methods or other purposes. They then create a spoofing website that aims to mislead so that crime doesn't run smoothly.

Digital quinhing scams have several stages that can happen very quickly. Some of the steps to be going through are as follows.

QR codes are the first gates. Fraudsters will make QR codes as interesting as possible to 'cing' people's actions to scan. Fishing itself can be done in various ways, starting from designing QR codes as interestingly as possible, providing the lure of certain benefits or gifts.

Placement of QR codes can also be done in various places such as posters, product packaging, advertisements, or other media that have the potential to be seen by potential victims.

After the victim scans the QR code, they will be directed to the spoofing website, which is a site created to mislead readers or website visitors. The site is made similar and as sure as possible so that the victim is not suspicious.

From this website the fraudster will ask for personal information from the victim. Not only identity, webinist spoofing will also ask for financial data. If not alert, fraudsters can access the victim's data and finances.

Once the scammers get important personal information, they can use that data for various detrimental purposes.

quinhing scams are quite difficult to detect considering the difficulty of detecting which QR codes are fake and genuine. Even so, people can see some of its characteristics as follows.

Knowing how to prevent quinhing scams is very important to know so as not to become victims. Here are some tips preventing digital quinhing scams.

In addition to what information is quinhing, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.

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