What Is A Functional Official Of ASN? Different From A Structural Position, This Is His Job
What is a functional official (Freepic)

YOGYAKARTA - Functional officials are one of the positions in the profession of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). This position is known as a technical position that is not listed in the organizational structure, but has important duties in government agencies. Many CPNS applicants ask what is a functional official.

Functional positions can only be occupied by civil servants (PNS) who have met the requirements, as well as structural positions. Both types of positions have different responsibilities. So what are functional officials that need to be understood by people who want to have a career as ASN?

In the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2023 Article 1, functional positions are a group of positions containing functions and duties related to functional services based on certain skills and skills.

So functional officials are ASN who are tasked with providing functional services in accordance with their respective fields of expertise and skills. Functional officials are listed below and directly responsible to Middle High Leadership Officials, Primary High Leadership Officials, Administrator Officials, or Supervisory Officers who have links to the implementation of JF duties.

Functional officials can get the task of leading an Organizational Unit based on statutory provisions. Functional officials can occupy the positions below and be directly responsible to Functional Officials who lead the Organizational Unit.

The government has regulated the position and responsibility of functional officials in the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2023 Article 2. The following is the article:

The government also regulates the duties of functional officials in the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1 of 2023 Article 3. The following is the contents of the article:

The functional position consists of two positions, based on the Decree of the President (Perpres) of Indonesia Number 87 of 1999 concerning the Functional Position of Civil Servants. There is a functional position of expertise and functional position of skills.

Functional position of expertise is a professional classification functional position. ASN with this position is required to have mastery of science and technology in certain fields. Examples of functional positions of expertise, including lecturers, doctors, accountants, curriculum experts, and others.

Functional position of skills is a functional position of technical qualifications or professional support. ASNs who occupy this position are required to master technical knowledge in a field of science to carry out their duties and functions. Examples of functional positions of skills, including research and engineering, assistant nurses, flight techniques, veterinary paramedics, irrigation engineering assistants, and others.

That's what reviews are functional officials and their types and qualifications. Functional positions are not listed in the organizational structure, but their existence is still in the organization to carry out their respective duties and functions.

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