TANGERANG Muhammad Rifqi (17) suffered a head injury. When he was taken to the hospital, he was furious in pain. Rifqi is a victim of a brawl between two groups in Pondok Aren, South Tangerang (Tangsel).

Pondok Aren Police Chief Kompol Bambang Askar Sodiq said the incident occurred on Sunday, November 26, at 04.00 WIB.

"The victim suffered a stab wound to his head allegedly due to a brawl," said Bambang when confirmed, Monday, November 27.

Bambang explained that the incident began after the two groups arranged time through social media to agree on a strong complaint, a brawl at the specified location. Arriving at the agreed place, they met, then there was an action against each other using sharp weapons.

The police who received the information immediately went to the crime scene (TKP). The brawl can be disbanded.

Rifki, who was covered in blood, was immediately evacuated to a nearby hospital for further action.

"The victim was immediately taken to the Sari Asih Hospital in Ciledug," he said.

Bambang emphasized that his party was investigating the case. A number of witnesses and CCTV at the scene of the incident have been examined.

"The perpetrators are expected to surrender immediately or we will pursue, arrest, and hide in the ants' holes, we will take action against young people who disturb the calm of the residents," he concluded.

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