Head of BPHN Responds to Case of 85 Village Heads in Sukabumi Misappropriating Legal Aid Funds
Head of the National Legal Development Agency (BPHN) Kemenkumham Widodo Ekatjahjana/Photo; Antara

JAKARTA - Head of the National Legal Development Agency (BPHN) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Widodo Ekatjahjana, responded to allegations that 85 village heads had misappropriated legal aid funds.

"The mechanism for distributing legal aid funds must comply with the provisions of Law (UU) Number 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid and its Implementation Rules. The mechanism for distributing funds is carried out by means of "reimbursement", not transferred first," said Widodo in a written statement, Sunday, October 15.

Widodo emphasized that the Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Regulation Number 8 of 2022 concerning Priority Use of Village Funds in 2023 has explained that legal aid is aimed at marginal and vulnerable groups, one of which includes the poor.

Then, the fund distribution mechanism is carried out by means of "reimbursement" after a series of case settlements, both litigation and non-litigation, are completed by the legal aid provider (PBH).

"Sukabumi already has five PBHs that are verified and accredited by BPHN Kemenkumham. Village heads can collaborate in providing legal aid in their area with these five PBHs," he explained.

"If there are irregularities in the legal aid program by unscrupulous 'lawyers' and their 'law firms' which damage the image of the government's legal aid program through BPHN, then BPHN will impose a 'black list' sanction to remove the right to apply for accreditation verification at BPHN for 10 years," Widodo stressed.

Widodo added that he would not only take firm steps in implementing 'black list' sanctions on these 'lawyers' and 'law firms', but also impose 'black list' sanctions or revocation of their Law Awareness Village/Subdistrict status on these villages.

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