Allegedly Due To Hot Air, 4 Hectares Of Gardens In BSD Burned
Smoke from the fire in the BSD residential garden in Tangerang/ Photo: IST

TANGERANG - The long dry season caused the bed area in the BSD area, Ciakar Village, Pagedangan to catch fire. The area of the land burned is about 4 hectares.

Head of BPBD Tangerang Regency, Ujat Sudrajat, said that his party received a report on Tuesday, September 5. The seller, because of the heat of the sun and strong winds, caused the garden to catch fire.

"The hot sun reaches hotspots, which is quite high plus strong winds," Ujat said when confirmed, Tuesday, September 5.

Ujat explained that the fire was discovered when it had grown. Then the fire spread quickly into the area of the weeds.

"It is not known for the start of the fire, local residents immediately came to the location in Clusterwaki because they knew that they were extinguishing the weeds garden", he said.

A total of 10 fire engines and 40 personnel were deployed. The fire can be extinguished after 40 minutes.

"The handling took place at 12:26 -13.06 WIB or 40 minutes. 4 hectares caught fire," he said.

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