The Murder Of UI Students In Depok, Police Call The Perpetrators Envy The Success Of Victims
Depok Metro Police Deputy Chief, AKP Nirwan Pohan/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Altafasurya Ardinika Basya (23), a boarding house resident, was desperate to carry out a robbery and murder of a victim of MNZ (19) a student at the University of Indonesia (UI) at a Apik Zire boarding house, Jalan Palakali, RT 07/05, Kukusan Village, Beji District, Depok City.

The incident was successfully revealed by the discovery of a corpse in room 102, Indekost Apik Zire, Kukusan Village, Beji, Depok. Then the joint team of the Depok Metro Police and Polsek began to investigate the case.

Based on CCTV footage evidence, it can be seen the whereabouts of the perpetrator named Altafasurya Ardnika Basya at the scene. Furthermore, the CCTV footage was recorded in the photo and shown to a number of witnesses who are also fellow victims.

It turned out that when the police gave a photo of CCTV footage related to the perpetrator's face, apparently the victim's colleague recognized the perpetrator's face.

Then the police went to the perpetrator's boarding house at Wisma Ladika, Jalan Masjid Alfaroq, Kukusan Village, Depok City. The perpetrator was arrested when he left his boarding house.

The perpetrator was then interrogated regarding the discovery of the man's body. The perpetrator also admitted that the murder used a folding knife and took the perpetrator's belongings in the form of a laptop, wallet and cellphone. To eliminate traces, the perpetrator put the victim in a black plastic bag and was taped.

For further processing, the perpetrators along with the evidence were brought to the Depok Metro Police Headquarters.

Depok Metro Police Deputy Chief, AKP Nirwan Pohan said the perpetrator killed the victim by stabbing him with a sharp weapon.

"The perpetrator was jealous of the success of the victim. The perpetrator was also involved in paying for the boarding house and online loans (Pinjol)," he said, Sunday, August 6.

For this incident, the victim found 10 knife stab wounds in the chest. The perpetrator and the victim knew each other, they were friends. However, the perpetrator was jealous because the victim had a lot of money, a laptop. The perpetrator had stolen the victim's atm but did not know the victim's pin number, so the atm was blocked.

"This case, the motive is because the perpetrator is jealous of the victim. The victim is more successful and may think that the contents of the victim's ATM can pay off the perpetrator's debt," he said.

As a result of his actions, the suspect was charged with Article 340 Jo 338KUHP and/or 365 paragraph 3 of the Criminal Code related to the crime of murder and/or theft with violence.

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