Rarely Occurs, This Woman Gives Birth To Five Twins Normally At Seven Months Old Content
Illustration. (Unsplash/Luma Pimentel)

JAKARTA - A woman has given birth to five very rare twins, with a high probability of only happening once out of tens of millions of births.

Anita Kumari, a 27-year-old Indian woman gave birth to these babies at the Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences in eastern Jharkhand State on Monday.

The hospital where she gave birth made an announcement on Twitter along with a photo of the twins.

"A woman from Chatar has given birth to five children in the obstetrics and gynecology department at RIMS. The babies are under the supervision of doctors at (the neonatal intensive care unit). The successful delivery was carried out under the leadership of Dr

Previously, doctors had ultrasound and found the woman was pregnant with five fetuses. She gave birth naturally at the age of seven months pregnant.

Dr. Rajiv happened, a professor at the hospital's neonatology department said three of the babies were still being watched in the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit. Meanwhile, two babies were transferred to other hospitals due to limited resources.

"The first, third and fifth babies are with us. The first and third babies weigh 1.1 kilograms each and the fifth baby weighs 750 grams. They are premature babies," said Dr.

@HLTH_JARKHAND pic.twitter.com/fdxUBYoPop

The other two babies each weigh 900 grams.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kiran wastes Das, assistant professor at the neonatal department said the babies would require at least 45 days to two months of observation.

"They were born at 27 weeks pregnant. One baby uses a ventilator and the other two are in stable condition. Their chances of survival are 50 percent to 60 percent," he explained.

Although twins, triplets, quadruplets and five-winnes have become more common with IVF treatments, Dr. Das said that this time it was not.

"The mother underwent fertility treatment, she used an ovulation-triggering drug, but did not undergo a IVF program," he said.

"This is the first case of five twins born in hospital. We gave birth to four twins a few months ago in hospital," he said.

It is known, the opportunity to become pregnant with twins is naturally very rare, around one in 55 million births. However, there are several cases of such birth in this country.

In 2015, a woman in northern Tehran gave birth to five daughters within 10 minutes.

Separately, a 25-year-old woman in Jaipur, western Rajasthan also gave birth to five babies, although one of them later died.

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