Golkar Is Not Worried About PDIP's Single Prabowo-Gibran Government Program If It Becomes An Opposition

JAKARTA - The Golkar Party responded to the PDIP's attitude which is ready to become an opposition to the ruling government later. Golkar is not worried that PDIP will tackle the Prabowo-Gibran government if the KPU officially announces it as president and vice president-elect.

"No, no. I still believe and believe in each party as long as the program is good, positive, I'm sure there is nothing to worry about," said Head of Bappilu Golkar Party Maman Abdurrahman in Senayan, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 21.

Moreover, according to the former, the presidential system does not recognize the term opposition. There, he said, is a government party and outside the government. Meanwhile, political parties in Parliament have the right to carry out the supervisory function of the running of the government.

"There is no opposition. So, for us, the name Parliament is yes, we have the right to carry out a supervisory function. Maybe the language is PDI, if you ask me, you might say it won't be in the government, maybe. But in the context of opposition, we don't know the word opposition, right now with the presidential system. But yes, again, it's the political right of each party, we respect it," he said.

Even so, Maman said, the Golkar Party respects the PDIP's attitude if it wants to be outside the Prabowo-Gibran government. The Golkar Party, he said, is also ready to cooperate with PDIP in parliament to oversee government policies so that they are on track.

"Again, it's the political right of each party, we respect it, we just have to process it later. We have nothing to worry about, this is just going on. After all, the check and balance mechanism, the control and supervision mechanism that during Mr. Jokowi's tenure for 10 years also runs in parliament as usual," explained Maman.

"I sit in parliament, in Commission VII DPR, how come there are many things that we criticize the government is doing. So I don't think anything is too much for us, so it just flows and goes," he added.