Kades Di Karawang Jadi Tersangka Korupsi Dana Desa Rp221 Juta, Uangnya Buat Foya-foya

The Karawang Police have named a village head in Karawang Regency, West Java, as a suspect in the disclosure of a case of alleged corruption in village funds.

Kasatreskrim Karawang Police, AKP Abdul Jalil, said the suspect named Abdul Wahid was the Head of Jatiwangi Village, Jatisari District.

The village head is suspected of committing a criminal act of corruption in the Village Fund for the 2018 Fiscal Year.

"The value of state losses in this case reached Rp221,118,160," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 6.

The perpetrator used the money from the alleged corruption crime for entertainment purposes during the 2018 fiscal year.

"In addition, the perpetrators also used the 2018 village fund budget for physical development in their villages," he said.

In disclosing the case, the police confiscated a number of pieces of evidence, including a copy of the Jatiwangi Village APBdes, a copy of the account book, a decree on the appointment of the village head, proposals for village funds, and others.

To account for his actions, the perpetrator is now being held at the Karawang Police Headquarters detention center.