What Are Complex Goods? Know Understanding, Characteristics, And Examples In Everyday Life

YOGYAKARTA What is complementary goods? Complementary goods are one of the market needs that function as a complement. Two items are called complementary when the two complement each other. Sometimes complementary goods are absolutely necessary, such as just mobile phones and credits.

Well, in this article, it will be discussed in more detail about what complementary items, characteristics, and examples are in everyday life.

Complementary goods are Fugitive items when equipped with other goods. It can also be interpreted as two pairs of items that are paired and complementary to each other.

In a book entitled Be Smart Social Science (2008) by Mila Saraswati and Ida Widianingsih, complementary goods are defined as items that function to complement the needs used.

For example, when you eat not only rice, naming is also equipped with side dishes and vegetables. So, rice, side dishes, side dishes, and vegetables function complementary.

Meanwhile, according to Tri Kurnawingsi Pracoyo in the book Aspects of the Basic Micro Economy (2006), complementary goods are items that tend to be used together. If there is an increase in prices for complementary goods, it will automatically reduce the number of goods requested.

For example, printers and printer ink. If the printer price goes up, then the demand for the printer goes down, so the demand for printer ink also drops.

If the printer price goes up, then the demand for the printer drops so that demand for printer ink also drops.

There are at least three characteristics that can determine the included product in complementary items, including:

Here are examples of complementary items in everyday life:

That's the information about what complementary items are. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.