Students Start Moving To Reject Dynasty Politics And Kidnappers

JAKARTA - Dozens of students and female students who are members of the Reds Soldier action team of the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) of the State University of Jakarta (UNJ) have taken to the streets to hold a demonstration against dynastic politics on Jalan Raya Pemuda Rawamangun, Pulogadung sub-district, East Jakarta, Thursday, January 11, afternoon.

The Commander of the Reds Soldier FIS UNJ, Ibra Fabian, said that the government seemed to be clearly open about dynastic politics, and the practice was seen at this time.

"The government then saw dynastic politics as they really got what they wanted, because we saw for ourselves that, for example yesterday from the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK), it had clearly explained and the government needed to stop dynastic politics," said Ibra at the location, Thursday, January 11.

In addition, his party urged the government to complete and justice the violators of human rights (HAM) in Indonesia. After the action, the oendemists also provided a sheet of newspapers containing including the contents of human rights violations to people passing by.

There are also several names that have been victims of these human rights violations. There is a similar page of the paper, also written 'Denhysical Politics Threats to Democracy' with basic images or background of the face of the Presidential Candidate (Capres) number 02 Prabowo Subianto.

In addition, the protesters also distributed stickers that read Indonesia Rejects Dynasty Politics and Kidnappers!'.

"Actually, we don't attack one of the Candidate Pairs (Paslon) clearly, we are also not a supporter of one candidate pair, but indeed if we look at it and according to the news, according to history, that one father (Prabowo) has also led to human rights violations. So indeed the news we are seeing now leads to him," he said.

Then the group also hopes that the government can punish the corruptors firmly.

"We want the heavy law of the corruptors because from the data we see 60 percent of these corruptors are filled by politicians, which at this time at the time of the General Election (Pemilu) these corruptors can still nominate as legislators," he said.

Ibra hopes that the government can pay attention to the price of basic commodities which are currently considered to be high. So that based on the increase in prices, it makes the small people objected.

"We want to reduce the price of basic commodities because yesterday we saw that the basic ingredients were quite rising. Like last years where oil rose a lot and students had moved but in the end many of these diseases were still at the same price," he said.

Ibra emphasized that the action would be carried out again if the government ignored it. Even the number of times that will be deployed is expected to amount to more.

"Our actions today of course have consolidated with all campuses in Indonesia, there are 780 campus points recorded, so if actions like this still don't have a big effect, maybe there will be unity from all elements of society to be able to move even bigger things," he said.

Meanwhile, a number of students from the State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Ciputat Tangerang held the same action. They use blue alma mater jackets to distribute leaflets containing invitations to the public to reject dynastic politics in Indonesia.

"Our demand is that we reject and invite passing road users not to choose people who are involved in dynastic politics and have a dark past history, namely activity kidnapping," said Glamora, a student representative, Thursday, January 11.