Landslides And Floods Occur In Agam, West Sumatra

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra, noted that three sub-districts were affected by landslides and flash floods due to high rainfall hit the area.

"One resident died as a result of being buried by a landslide on behalf of Asmayeti (50) and material damage being recorded," said BPBD Secretary Agam Olkawendi in Lubuk Basung as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 7.

He said the landslide occurred at Simpang Koto Tabang, Jorong Muaro, Nagari or Koto Rantang Village, Palupuh District. Landslides materials piled up residents while in their fields, Thursday at around 17.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, flash floods occurred in Jorong Sungai Rangeh, Nagari Bayua, Tanjung Raya District, at around 16.15 WIB.

The material for flash floods in the form of wood and stone covers road access with a height of up to 50 centimeters and a length of 80 meters, so that road access cannot be passed by vehicles.

"The flash flood material is still falling and has an impact on residential areas. We are still collecting data in the field," he said.

Landslides also occurred in Jorong Buayan, Nagari Lawang, Matur District, Thursday at around 17.30 WIB.

The landslide material is in the form of soil and rocks with a length of about 20 meters, about 1-2 meters high covering the Lawang road to the Munti Data.

"Roads cannot be accessed by two- and four-wheeled vehicles," he said.

He said he had coordinated with the nagari government and sub-districts regarding the steps to be taken.

For material cleaning, it will be carried out on Friday (8/12), considering that the material is still falling and the rain is quite high.

"We will do material cleaning on Friday (8/12)," he said.