Covered By The Red And White Flag, Doni Monardo's Body Arrives At The Funeral Home

TANGSEL - The body of former Head of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Doni Monardo arrived at the funeral home in South Tangerang (Tangsel) at 22.30 WIB, Sunday, December 3.

According to VOI monitoring, the arrival of Doni Monardo's ambulance arrived at the funeral home escorted by the TNI.

Arriving at the funeral home, Doni Monardo's coffin was covered with the Red and White flag.

The coffin was seen being removed from the ambulance, then taken into the funeral home.

The arrival of the ambulance took Doni Monardo's body after departing from Siloam Semanggi Hospital Jakarta at 21:35 WIB.