Becoming The Mayor Of Solo, This Is What Gibran Rakabuming Has Done

The figure of Gibran Rakabuming Raka is in the public's attention after he was appointed as vice presidential candidate to accompany Prabowo Subianto. The advancement of Jokowi's eldest son in the 2024 General Election event reaped pros and cons considering his young age. The community also questioned Gibran's achievements in Solo.

Gibran Rakabuming has only held a position as Mayor of Solo for two years. He began to be inaugurated as mayor in January 2021. Many parties highlight the feasibility of Gibran advancing the Election contestation considering that his experience as a regional head has not been long enough.

However, not a few people have revealed that Gibran has succeeded in changing the face of Solo City. Since the 36-year-old man's leadership, there have been developments in Solo both in terms of economy, tourism, development, and others. So what are Gibran's achievements in Solo?

As a young leader, Gibran is said to have a sat-set performance in making progress in the city of Solo. It was this progress that Gibran brought that then gained many sympathizers or people who supported him.

Here are some of Gibran's achievements while serving as Mayor of Solo:

When he first held the leadership of Solo City, Gibran prioritized accelerating economic recovery and health attention in his work program. Recently, Gibran announced that economic growth in Solo will increase to 6.25 percent in 2022. This economic growth is an increase compared to the previous year which only reached 4.01 percent.

One of the salient achievements of Gibran Rangkabuming is the construction of the Sheikh Zayed Mosque. The construction of this large and wide mosque is the result of collaboration with the Prince of the United Arab Emirates. The Sheikh Zayed Mosque is now the most magnificent building in the city of Solo and has become an icon that attracts the attention of tourists.

Gibran Rakabuming together with the Solo City Provincial Government made market improvements to make it cleaner and more comfortable for visitors. After he was elected Mayor of Solo, Gibran revitalized Legi Market, Shelter Manahan Solo had the concept of a food court, and Ngarsopuro Night Market.

Gibran has also run a series of park revitalizations with the aim of attracting local people and visitors from outside Solo. One of the revitalized parks is Balekembang Park.

Another program implemented is the revitalization of Solo Technopark, which is located in Jebres, which has been completed. This area of science and technology is equipped with various facilities such as basketball courts, futsal fields, and research facilities for technology development and innovation.

Gibran Rakabuming also pays attention to historic buildings. To preserve culture and increase tourist attraction, Gibran revitalizes the Lokananta museum. The new version of the loan now has Five Main Pillars, including Museum/Galeri Studio Record, Show Arena, Culinary Area, and the MSME Gallery.

In addition, Gibran also revitalized Pracima Park, which is located in the Mangkunegaran Temple complex. The revitalization of this historic royal family building has been completed. and launched on January 21, 2023.

Gibran has also completed the construction of the Gilingan Mebel IKM Center. This IKM center occupies an area of about 5,000 square meters and is designed as an important facility to support the quality and marketing of furniture products.

The revitalization of Ngarsopuro and Corridor Gatot Subroto was also carried out by Gibran while leading Solo. The improvement of the Ngarsopuro area is carried out by expanding the location of the Ngarsopuro Night Market, which extends to the corridor of Jalan Gatot Subroto. This road area with a total length of 390 meters will be used as a center for the creative industry.

The Gibran government in Solo also has another priority program, namely the renewal of the Taru Jurug Animal Park. Now it has changed its name to Solo Safari and is one of the popular tourist destinations in Solo. The revitalization process is still continuing with the construction of the second phase.

Those are a number of Gibran's achievements in Solo when he was Mayor for almost three years. Thanks to several achievements that Gibran has made in the economic, cultural, tourism, and other sectors, Jokowi's eldest son has now succeeded in attracting sympathizers from many people.

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