The Attorney General's Office Will Forcibly Pick Up Nistra Yohan And Sadikin, Recipients Of BTS Fund Flows To Commission I And BPK

The Attorney General's Office (AGO) will examine Nistra Yohan and Sadikin who are referred to as recipients of BTS funds to Commission I of the DPR and the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). In fact, forced efforts were made to obtain a second statement.

"We are still trying to be able to attend (present the two) if necessary for forced efforts," said the Director of Investigation of the Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (Jampidsus) at the AGO, Kuntadi to VOI, Monday, October 2.

Nistra Yohan's name was mentioned in the trial of the alleged corruption case of the 4G base transceiver station (BTS). Director of PT Multimedia Berdikari Sejahtera, Windi, who was presented as a witness, said that she gave Rp70 billion to him.

Meanwhile, Sadikin is said to have received Rp40 billion from him. Sadikin is referred to as a BPK representative.

The forced efforts that will be carried out by investigators against Nistra Yohan and Sadikin are because they have never fulfilled the summons for examination when handling cases of alleged BTS corruption at the level of investigation and investigation.

"I've been called twice but haven't come yet," said Kuntadi.

Meanwhile, at the trial, Windi said that she had given money to Nistra Yohan twice. The handover of money is done at different places and times. However, the nominal is not conveyed in every gift.

"The first was at home in Gandul, the second was handed over to the hotel in Sentul, at the Aston Hotel if I'm not mistaken," he said.

Meanwhile, for Sadikin, said Windi, Rp40 billion was given. The money was handed over in the parking lot of a luxury hotel in Jakarta.

"Meeting at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. In the parking lot, sir," said Windi.

Then, the money given to Sadikin was not a rupiah denomination. But the United States (US) and Singapore dollars.

"Foreign money, sir. I forgot the details, maybe a combination of the US dollar and the Singapore dollar," said Windi.