Crazy! Former Alexa Guitarist Rizky Syarif Now A Scientist At European Nuclear Research Organization

JAKARTA - Decides to leave Alexa, Rizky Syarif, is now a scientist at the European Nuclear Research Organization.

The news was known through Alinda Kariza's tweet via Twitter after reading an article from Indonesia Mengglobal regarding Rizky Syarif.

"Inspo academia today, Rizky Syarif (had previously played guitar for Alexa) did the second round of physics undergraduates, won a PhD & postdoc degree in Brown, became a scientist at CERN from @indomengglobal," he tweeted.

For information, Rizky Syarif was briefly part of the early formation of Alexa.

At that time he managed to produce two full albums with the band from Jakarta. Among them are Alexa (2008) and Edition II (2010).

When he decided to leave in 2011, he continued his master's and doctoral education studies in physics at the University of Sydney, Australia and Brown University, America. Now, Rizky is getting great results from his hard work.

Although Rizky's desire to make music in himself is still passionate, until now there is no information on when he will return to the world of music.