
JAKARTA - The decision of the Supervisory Board of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) not to continue the alleged ethical violation committed by the anti-corruption commission leadership during the National Insight Test (TWK) assessment to the ethics trial.

Representatives of 75 KPK employees who were declared not to have passed the TWK, Rika Anung Nata even considered the decision made up. Moreover, the KPK Supervisory Board argued that insufficient evidence was found to continue investigating the alleged ethical violation.

"Insufficient evidence is a very far-fetched reason. Because the Supervisory Board has full authority to look for evidence, from the preliminary data we submitted during the complaint," said Rizka Anung in a written statement to reporters, Friday, July 23.

He also mentioned that the results of the KPK Supervisory Board's examination were different from the results of the Indonesian Ombudsman's examination which had been submitted to the public on Wednesday, July 22 yesterday. In fact, the data and evidence submitted by his party did not differ.

Rizka Anung suspected that the difference could occur because the Indonesian Ombudsman had more intention and willingness to reveal violations that occurred in the process of transferring the status of KPK employees. This is in contrast to the more passive attitude of the supervisory board.

"The Supervisory Board is very passive and does not try to dig deeper into information, even in examining the complainants, we feel that Dewas is more visible as a lawyer who defends violations committed by the leadership as the reported party," he said. assist the supervisory board by providing further data and information as evidence. Moreover, the findings read by the supervisory board are different from those of the Ombudsman.

It is hoped that later Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean et al are expected to fully see the existing problems.

Furthermore, he and dozens of other KPK employees hope that other reports that are currently being processed, namely about alleged ethical violations by KPK Deputy Chair Lili Pintauli Siregar, will not end the same way. "We feel that these allegations of ethical violations have made the KPK very depressed and lost public trust," he said.

Previously reported, the KPK Supervisory Board said that it did not find evidence of a number of alleged ethical violations against the KPK leadership related to the implementation of TWK. Including, related to the insertion of the TWK implementation rules that were allegedly carried out by KPK Chair Firli Bahuri.

However, this is different from the findings of the Indonesian Ombudsman which was conveyed some time ago. According to the Ombudsman, the insertion of the paragraph on the implementation of the TWK occurred when the commission's regulations were being discussed. This is because this clause only appeared on January 25, 2021 or the day before the last harmonization meeting.

Even though the meeting to draft the commission's regulations has taken place since August 2020. "The emergence of the TWK clause is a form of insertion of a verse. The appearance of a new paragraph and it appears in the last months of this process," said Robert at a press conference to deliver the final results of the examination of KPK employee complaints which was broadcast. online, Wednesday, July 21.

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