
SAMARINDA - SKK Migas (Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities) of West Kalimantan-Sulawesi provided assistance for an ISO tank measuring 20 feet with a capacity of 20 tons of medical oxygen to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. This assistance is related to handling cases of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The assistance for the Upstream Oil and Gas Care Program - Indonesia Chambers of Commerce and Industry - to the East Kalimantan Provincial Government was received symbolically by Governor Isran Noor, Wednesday, July 21.

"We, the government and all the people of East Kalimantan would like to thank SKK Migas Pertamina", said Isran Noor, quoted by Antara.

Isran Noor said that during the Coronavirus pandemic that has spread since last year and the increase in cases of transmission in recent weeks, this has resulted in a shortage of medical oxygen for COVID-19 patients in hospitals.

In fact, continued Isran, the availability of medical oxygen for the general public who underwent self-isolation was also reported to have minimal stock.

"Obviously this medical oxygen assistance is very useful, especially for hospital services that have started to lack oxygen stock, hopefully, this assistance can be used as well as possible", said Isran Noor.

Isran said that in East Kalimantan there was a fairly high increase in COVID-19 cases, especially in several areas where the implementation of the Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) has now changed to PPKM level 4.

"A number of areas with quite high cases include Balikpapan, Berau, Bontang, Samarinda and Kutai Kartanegara. Hopefully, it will be distributed soon, so that the availability of medical oxygen remains available and there is no shortage", said Isran Noor.

Isran hopes that the medical oxygen assistance from SKK Migas can be sustainable and sustainable so that the treatment of patients at the hospital runs smoothly without any problems.

"We also hope that the availability of medical oxygen for the general public and medicines in clinics and pharmacies will be sufficient so that there are no obstacles for people who are self-isolating", said Isran Noor.

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