
JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo ensured that the acceleration of the distribution of social assistance (bansos) during the Implementation of the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) had been carried out throughout Indonesia.

"From period 3 to July 19, 2021, the National Police has distributed social assistance to communities affected by COVID-19 in 34 Polda areas as many as 475,420 basic food packages and 2,471,217 kg of rice," said Sigit in his statement, Tuesday, July 20. In 2020, he continued, the social assistance that had been distributed by the National Police was 394,347 food packages, 30,000 tons of rice, 790,436 medical equipment/PPE, and the establishment of 13,119 public kitchens.

Meanwhile, as of July 2, 2021, the social assistance provided by the National Police was 750,780 food packages, 3,753 tons of rice, 763,079 medical equipment/PPE, and the establishment of 143,467 public kitchens.

"We are accelerating the distribution of social assistance throughout Indonesia or 34 provinces. Both areas that implement Emergency PPKM or Micro PPKM," said Sigit.

According to him, the government through the TNI and Polri has also provided Emergency PPKM social assistance by targeting people who really need it. In addition, national vaccinations for Herd Immunity continue to be carried out.

Therefore, Sigit instructed all his staff from the top to the bottom level to continue to accelerate the distribution of Emergency PPKM social assistance to the community. He also asked the TNI-Polri ranks to map out the distribution of the social assistance. Sigit hopes that no more areas will report that the social assistance channel has been blocked. The former Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police also reminded the entire community to communicate and coordinate with Bhabinkamtibmas and Babinsa when the social assistance stock runs out. For that, Sigit appealed to the public to remain calm.

"The community remains calm and don't worry, if the assistance provided runs out, report it immediately. Later, the ranks of the TNI and Polri or the Ministry of Social Affairs will provide more social assistance," said Sigit.

On the other hand, Sigit explained, the implementation of health protocols is the key to suppress the growth rate of the coronavirus in the community. He emphasized how important it is to continue to implement health protocols in everyday life.

"All of this is done to jointly maintain health for family, self, and others," said Sigit.

Sigit also invites all elements of society to be actively involved in the national vaccination program and to distribute social assistance to the community.

"I invite elements of society, ranging from students, activists, OKP, mass organizations, religious leaders, ulama, and community leaders to come together and join hands to help the Indonesian people and realize the targets of the Indonesian government," said Sigit.

In order to ease the burden and limitations of the community in the midst of this Emergency PPKM, he added, the Police also sent sacrificial animals throughout Indonesia, especially in community settlements most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Hopefully everything we do on Eid al-Adha becomes a field of charity and worship for all of us. On this auspicious occasion, I would like to wish you a happy Eid al-Adha with your family, stay disciplined in carrying out health protocols, apply 5M, and stay at home, so that The COVID-19 pandemic will soon end in Indonesia," said Sigit.

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