JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) requested an evaluation of the Emergency Restrictions on Community Activities (PPKM) blocking. Jokowi said that currently what needs to be improved is the health protocol campaign to wear masks.
“Regarding the mobility index, our human mobility has carried out barriers, but when I saw it at night, I also went to Pulogadung this morning and I saw that it was still quite crowded. Last night I was very busy in the village, which means we might need to evaluate whether this isolation is effective in reducing cases", Jokowi said in a video uploaded to the Presidential Secretariat's Youtube, Saturday, July 17.
According to him, the surge in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia occurred in family clusters. Therefore, it is necessary to study other strategies to suppress the spread of the Coronavirus.
"Once again, please do a more detailed study of the blockage. The key is precisely the matter of wearing masks, discipline in the process of wearing masks, especially", said Jokowi at the virtual emergency PPKM evaluation meeting on Friday, July 16.
In the meeting, President Jokowi said that the option to extend the emergency PPKM must be carefully studied. The decision on whether or not to extend the emergency PPKM must be seriously considered.
"This is a question from the community today, one important thing that we need to answer is whether the emergency PPKM will be extended or not? If you want it to be extended, how long? This is really a very sensitive matter that must be decided with a clear mind, not to be mistaken", he said.
In addition, Jokowi ordered Social Minister, Tri Rismaharini, to ensure the distribution of social assistance is accelerated. Jokowi does not want social assistance to be delayed in the midst of implementing emergency PPKM and micro PPKM.
“Regarding social assistance, I ask that it be not too late, whether it is PKH (Keluarga Harapan Program), whether it is village BLT (Cash Direct Assistance), whether it is cash assistance, don't be late, and most importantly, this week's basic food aid must come out. Hurry up, really speed it up", Jokowi said.
“I ask the Head of Logistics and Mainly the Minister of Social Affairs not to hesitate because the principle is that the most important thing is that we don't steal, we don't take. The procedure, please be accompanied by BPKP", continued Jokowi during the virtual emergency PPKM evaluation on Friday, July 16.
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