JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to analyze the report on the assets of state administrators (LHKPN) Head of the West Kalimantan National Road Implementation Center (BPJN) Dedy Mandarsyah. Including, assets that are suspected to have not been reported.
Harta Dedy was in the spotlight after being linked to the case of mistreatment of a co-worker in Palembang named Muhammad Luthfi. He is said to be the father of a koas doctor named Lady who is suspected of being the cause of the persecution.
"An analysis is carried out regarding the truth of the reported assets or assets, as well as other assets or assets that are suspected to have not been reported, which require supporting data from external parties," said KPK Spokesperson Team Budi Prasetyo to reporters in a written statement, Tuesday, December 17.
Budi said the public could give about Dedy's assets if they found out. The anti-corruption commission is ready to follow up.
"We invite people who are aware of the existence of related information to convey to the KPK as information enrichment and a form of real involvement of the community in eradicating corruption," he said.
"KPK is committed to being able to answer public problems and expectations, especially in the context of eradicating corruption," continued Budi.
Meanwhile, Dedy Mandarsyah reported LHKPN on March 14, 2024. The total assets are Rp. 9,426,451,869 or more than Rp. 9.4 billion.
It was recorded that he had assets in the form of land and buildings worth Rp. 750 million. The details are 33.8 m2 land and buildings in South Jakarta worth Rp. 200 million; 33.8 m2 land and buildings in South Jakarta worth Rp. 200 million; and land and buildings covering an area of 36 m2 in South Jakarta worth Rp. 350 million.
Dedy also reported other assets in the form of a Honda CR-V car in 2019 worth IDR 450 million. He also has movable assets of IDR 830 million; securities of IDR 670.7 million; and cash and cash equivalents of IDR 6,725,751,869.
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