
Political Communication Analyst Hendri Satrio (Hensa) assesses that President Prabowo Subianto is committed to continuing the development of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) as mandated by President Joko Widodo.

This can be seen from the official statement of the Palace which stated that Prabowo will be based in IKN in 2028.

"This is Pak Prabowo's statesmanship which affirms his commitment to continuing Pak Jokowi's programs," said Hensa as quoted by ANTARA, Saturday, December 14.

In addition, Prabowo's attitude in wanting to have an office in IKN also has an impact on reducing the current polemic of IKN development.

This statement also gives firmness that the government is still committed to building IKN.

However, Hensa saw that the transfer of Prabowo's office to IKN was not necessarily a signal that the capital city of Indonesia would actually move there.

"For example, Pak Prabowo has an office there, it doesn't mean that the capital city moves immediately. Yes, he can have an office there, the palace is there, right? We have a palace in Bali, Bogor, Jakarta, Puncak, now add it to Kalimantan," said Hensa.

"But, did you immediately move the capital city? Yes, later it will not be certain, but at least what Mr. Prabowo said was to defuse the polemic and show his statesmanship," he added.

Previously, the Head of the Presidential Communication Office Hasan Nasbi said the government would move to the capital city of the archipelago in East Kalimantan, after the new capital city could carry out its role as the capital of politics, which is expected to occur in 2028.

"The president said that the transfer of government to IKN after IKN could play a function as a political capital city. This means that there are executive offices, legislative offices and judicial offices there," Hasan said via text message to reporters, in Jakarta, Tuesday.

This was conveyed by Hasan in response to the certainty of when President Prabowo Subianto would move and have an office in IKN

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