JAKARTA - NS, a woman who was the victim of a mugging on Jalan Bunga Rampai, Duren Sawit, turned out to be a doctor. After the incident, the victim was rushed to the emergency room of Pondok Kopi Islamic Hospital to receive treatment for the injuries he suffered on Friday, December 13, evening.
"The wife on the side of my car, while waiting for a motorcycle taxi, the wife was outside while holding her cellphone, she was waiting for her motorcycle taxi," said the husband of the NS victim to the police at the emergency room of Pondok Kopi Islamic Hospital.
As a result of the incident, the victim suffered injuries to his hands as a result of defending his cell phone when he was snatched.
"Suddenly the motorbike (of the perpetrator) immediately (the victim's cellphone file). Hp wants to be taken but with my wife it is maintained," he said.
The victim was also accompanied by her husband while undergoing treatment at the ER of Pondok Kopi Islamic Hospital.
Investigators from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Duren Sawit Police also visited the ER of Pondok Kopi Islamic Hospital to dig up the victim's information while collecting evidence.
Previously, it was reported that a robber was arrested by the masses after carrying out his action on Jalan Bunga Rampai, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta, Friday, December 13, evening. The incident occurred at around 20.00 WIB.
According to witness testimony, the incident occurred when the victim was standing on the side of the road playing with his cellphone. Suddenly the perpetrator came and immediately took the victim's cellphone.
"The female victims were mothers. They were standing on the side of the road playing with their cellphones, then the victim's cellphone was immediately seized by the perpetrator," he said.
In the action, the perpetrator rode a Honda Scoopy motorcycle with the number B 3792 BSU. The perpetrator admitted to acting with his friend who was also riding a Satria FU motorcycle.
"The one who snatched the perpetrator who was riding a Scoopy motorbike. The victim kept his cellphone until he was dragged several meters," he said.
The victim screamed until finally the perpetrator was caught and arrested by residents. Angry residents immediately ganged up on the perpetrator until his face was covered in blood. Residents also stripped the perpetrators of anger at his actions.
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