
Central Java Police emphasized the eradication of gambling and applying sanctions for its personnel who are proven to be involved or benefit from gambling. This is a follow-up to the order of the Central Java Police Chief as outlined in the Telegram Letter to all work units (satker) and ranks dated May 31, 2023. Thus the Head of Humas Kombes Pol Iqbal Alqudusy through his written statement on Friday, June 16. In order to prevent all forms of gambling activities in Central Java, the Central Java Police took steps to avoid abuse of authority by unscrupulous members of the National Police who took advantage of gambling activities," he explained. In the telegram letter, the Kapolda emphasized that all Central Java Police personnel and ranks should not try to involve themselves in any form of gambling or receive profits from gambling activities.

His party will also carry out early detection and law enforcement firmly and consistently indiscriminately against all gambling activities, either openly or covertly. Performance evaluation will also be carried out on Kasatwil / Kasatfung if it is found that there are efforts to reduce gambling activities in their jurisdiction.

Law enforcement and application of sanctions will prioritize the function of Propam to actively carry out detection and identification of gambling involving unscrupulous members. In addition, it will also coordinate with the Criminal Investigation function for law enforcement on gambling activities found. If evidence is found of involvement of unscrupulous members of the National Police and or proven to benefit from active gambling, strict and consistent sanctions will be applied," he said.

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