
KARANGASEM - A citizen of the United States (US) with the initials GS (22) got lost on Mount Agung, Karangasem, Bali. This Caucasian was evacuated by the SAR team.

This US foreigner departed from the hotel to Gunung Agung at around 07.30 WITA, Tuesday, June 13. But at night, the victim called his friend because he could not find a path to Pura Pasar Agung.

"His friend was contacted at around 19.30 WITA, that the victim got lost and as soon as he received the report we moved personnel from the Karangasem Search and Rescue Post," said Head of the Operations and Alert Section of Basarnas Bali, I Wayan Suwena, quoted from a written statement, Wednesday, June 14.

From the reports received, 9 personnel searched for this US Caucasian lost on Mount Agung. The position of US Caucasians was at an altitude of 1,790 meters above sea level and had given news via cellphone.

The Coordinator of the Karangasem Search and Rescue Post, I Gusti Ngurah Eka W, said that because the location could not be directly accessed, the joint SAR team, according to Suwena, climbed to 2000 Mdpl, then went down to find a path to reach the victim's position.

"The condition of the target is very healthy but it was cold, we made a fire," he said.

US foreigners and the SAR team then descended from Mount Agung until they arrived at the climbing post of Pura Pasar Agung at 04.45 WITA.

"More or less the evacuation process is 6 hours," said Ngurah Eka.

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