
Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi revealed a number of changes occurred in the City of Heroes, Java in the past year, as in the field of tourism destination development and labor-intensive programs.

"The first is that many tourist destinations have been established. So there are many tourist attractions in Surabaya. There is Romokalisari Adventure Land, there is Tunjungan Romance, there are more Asreboyo Parks and other places," said Eri Cahyadi in a written statement reported by ANTARA, Saturday, June 3.

According to him, the reason for making a number of places a tourist destination in the City of Heroes is to move the community's economy.

"We make it a tourist spot because I want to be the mayor when something I build can move the economy," said Cak Eri, his nickname.

In addition to tourist destinations, Cak Eri said, in the past year Surabaya has also established many labor-intensive places. Moreover, in 2023, the Surabaya City Government prioritizes development in improving community welfare through labor-intensive programs and empowering MSMEs.

To date, 34 Labor Intensive Houses have been established in 14 sub-districts. As of April 2023, 2,822 poor and pre-poor people have been involved in labor-intensive programs, with the highest income reaching IDR 4,463,000 per person per month.

The labor-intensive program consists of various forms ranging from cafes, sewing centers, laundry, vehicle washing, repairs to Rutilahu (Uninhabitable Houses), cultivation of agriculture and livestock, rumah maggots to making paving.

"So what I hope is that the presence of the city government in my time as mayor or during the 730th Anniversary of Surabaya can be felt directly by the community," he said.

Not only that, Cak Eri has also felt changes in society over the past year, where the people of Surabaya, from residents, RT/RW, Village Community Empowerment Institutions (LPMK) to Great Surabaya Cadres (KSH) seem to be getting more and more harmonious.

"What I feel today is that Surabaya is very harmonious, RT/RW LPMK and Great Surabaya Cadres and all its citizens. This is what makes me proud to be part of the city of Surabaya," he said.

According to him, a number of changes in Surabaya in this year cannot be separated from the participation of all elements of society. Moreover, he also always said that the true leaders were residents, RT/RW, LPMK and KSH, all stakeholders.

"But as mayor, I just unite, restore the feelings of all Surabaya residents," he said.

This, he said, was guided by the struggle of the heroes when they succeeded in killing Brigadier Mallaby in the battle on November 10, 1945. According to him, this success could not be separated from the harmonious crowd, as well as the same vision and goal in achieving Indonesian Independence.

"So Surabaya today must be like a reel now, have the same vision, have the same goal. Different in choice is normal, but the goal is only one," he said.

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